Innovative and proven US supplements
American medical and scientific research produces some of the world’s most valued pharmaceuticals. US researchers have been applying this same pace and caliber of innovation to nutraceuticals. Their work is producing supplements with blends of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that are winning the respect of health care providers and the gratitude of their patients.
At Nutritional Pharmaceuticals Export, LLC. (NutraPharmEx), our mission is to make the best of these supplements available outside the United States.
Product Selection: Quality, Safety, Effectiveness
Decades of Experience
NutraPharmEx President, Volker Gallichio, has over three decades of experience leading major pharmaceutical and nutraceutical product initiatives for companies such as Johnson & Johnson and Merck.
To select U.S. supplements for the NutraPharmEx product line, Mr. Gallichio draws on his direct knowledge of the American supplement industry and the reputations of nutraceutical manufacturers. He also seeks product insights from internationally recognized health care providers, research-and-development leaders, and experts with FDA enforcement of quality and safety requirements.